Zachary O Sullivan - Online Memorial Website

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Zachary Sullivan
Born in United States
18 years
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Ice Dancer / Aunt Tammy The Lords Prayer in Cherokee March 1, 2009

For Sissy  Scoob  Mom  Butch  Zach and Kiesha


o-gi--do-da  ga-lv-la-di-he-hi

Our Father Heaven Dweller


ga-lv-quo-di-yu  ge-se-s-di de-tsa-do-v-i

My loving will be (to) thy name.


Tsa-gv-wi-hi ge-sv  wi-ga-na-nu-go-i

Your Lordship let it make its appearance.


a-ni-e-lo-hi  wi-tsi-ga-li-s-da  ha-da-nv-te-s-gv-i

Here upon Earth let happen what you think.


na-s-gi-ya ga-lv-ladi  tsi-ni-ga-li-s-di-ha

The same as in Heaven is done


ni-da-do-da-qui-sv  o-ga-li-sa-da-yv-di  s-gi-v-si-  go hi-i-ga

Daily our food goive to us this day


di-ge-s-gi-v-si-quo-no  de-s-gi-du-gv-i

Forgive us our debts


na-s-gi-ya   tsi-di-ga-yo-tsi-na-ho-  tso-tsi-du-gi

the same we forgive our debtors.


a-le-  tla-s-di   u-da--go-le-ye-di-yi  ge-sv  wi-di-s-gi-ya-ti-nv-s-ta-nv-gi

And do not temptation lead us into


s-gi-yu-da-le-s-ge-s-di-quo-sgi-ni   u-yo-  ge-sv-i

Deliver us from evil existing.


tsa-tse-li-ni-gi-di-yi-  ge-sv-i

For thine your Lordship is


a-le-tsa-li-ni-gi-di-yi-   ge-sv-i

and the power is


a-le-  e-tsa-lv-quo-di-yu  ge-sv   ni-go-hi-lv-i

And the glory forever


e men






John and Juanita Nache wishing you strength February 16, 2009
Scooby and Lynn.  Our hearts and prayers go out to you.  If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask.  God Bless and keep you through this very trying time.
Michelle Crosby Deepest Sympathy February 15, 2009


My thoughts and prayers go out to Lynn, Zachary, and all your Loved Ones. God Bless and help you thru all of your trying times.

doggy fresh R.I.P. February 14, 2009
we all love and miss you zach we will see you again someday its way to hard to think your gone and i wont get to blow another blunt or even talk to you again on this so called earth but hopefully soon ill be livling it up with you in the gates of god where anything is possible but until then live it up up there and save a good spot for dogggy freshness
love you dawg
Susie Thompson RIP February 13, 2009
.We did'know your famiy,except for Lynn,..But Our hearts go out to each and everyone of you,May Our maker be with You in this Times..Love The Thompson Family...Susue,David,and kids..
Port of P.V. Neighbors Our prayers are with you! February 13, 2009
Zach was a joy to our neighborhood--always lending a helping hand with the docks and hanging out at all of the get-togethers.  We're sure going to miss him.  And, it goes without saying, but we'll always be around for you!  Zach will remain in spirit with our river family forever.  May he soar with the eagles and dance in the sun!Peace and love.
Mark James Gingles God Bless February 13, 2009
Lynn and Scooby,..My Heart goes out to all of You..Iam never going to forget,never..My life will never be the same,it's really hard to deal with all this..Iam sure everyone feels the same..I wish I could do something more,I will be here for You,..I Love all of You..  . 
Vickie & Joel Sympathy February 12, 2009

Lynn,Scoob, & family

We are so sorry to hear about your son. May God give you the strength and courage to get thru this tragic period in your lives. I know we have not seen each other in more than a year,but we still think of you guys. God Bless the souls of the dead and dying. Grant them peace. God Bless you all. Take Care. 

The Klemme's Lasting Memories February 11, 2009


Thank you for being part of our memories.  Our family has always loved and cared about you.  I know Kraig and I did not see you for the last couple of years, but  we always asked Kelley, Alysha, and Briar about you.  We definitely missed the funny things that you did.  Alysha and I were just remembering a few of them the other day.  Like when we were in TJ Maxx and Alysha and I  both turned around and you were wearing the smallest girl coat you find. And you just started talking like no big deal.  I remember just laughing so hard.. Oh yeah then you wear it the rest of the time we were in there.  And the time we went to Pluckers and Kraig and Kelley pressured you into doing the "it hurts" wing challenge.  You kept telling us "they aren't that hot"  as you had tears running down your face.  Tough guy!!!!   Thank you for the polite and charming young man you were.  We will always kept you in our hearts forever.  And like your mother said you definitely made an empact in our lives. 

Thank You again for the honor in knowing you, The klemme's

Catherine Thomas My heart just breaks February 11, 2009

Lynn and family,


I cant even imagine the pain you are in right now.  When I heard about Zach, it just broke my heart.  You have all been through so much these last few months, and without your endless help and support my brother would not be here today.  We cant thank you enough and we hold you and your family close to our hearts in this difficult time.   Please know that we are here for your family if you ever need anything.

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